<% if (strapi.config.environment === 'development' && isInitialized) { %>
<%= strapi.config.environment %>

The server is running successfully (v<%= strapi.config.info.version %>)

<%= serverTime %>

<% if (strapi.config.serveAdminPanel) { %> Open the administration <% } %>
<% } else if (strapi.config.environment === 'development' && !isInitialized) { %>

Let's get started!

To discover the power provided by Strapi, you need to create an administrator.

Create the first administrator
People saying hello People saying hello People saying hello
<% } else { %>
<%= strapi.config.environment %>

The server is running successfully.

<%= serverTime %>

<% } %>
<% if (strapi.config.environment === 'development' && !isInitialized) { %> <% } %>